Start a project
To start any facility or infrastructure-related improvement project, the Primary Project Contact or Principal Officer for the Division must initiate a request using the “Start A Project Request Form” at the link found below. Before you submit, please review the following:
Completing this form is a critical first step in moving your project forward. The process for initiating a project varies according to the scope complexity and budget. The completed form is sent to the group email “” and received by an intake team within Capital Planning & Space Management (CPSM) and Physical Planning, Development and Operations (PPDO). This team will collectively review the submission and identify the appropriate pathway forward. The project may be assigned according to one of the following ways:
- to CPSM for further clarification with the Primary Project Contact
- to a PPDO Project Manager and a CPSM Planner to facilitate the project through the scoping/scheduling/budgeting process.
- to the Physical Plant Work Management Group
Initial Project Funding:
The requestor should be pre-authorized by the Principal Officer to submit the project form. The form should include a FOAPAL number and an approved minimum fund transfer of $5,000 authorized by the Division. "Initial Project Funding" in the amount of $5,000 needs to be established; any funds remaining at the end of the initial project period will be returned to the department. Initial Project Funds will be utilized by the assigned Project Manager to conduct initial meetings such as goals evaluation, fact-finding, value identification, and a needs assessment of the client group. Campus technical staff may also be consulted to determine financial feasibility, site or location suitability, physical and/or environmental planning constraints, applicable regulatory compliance requirements, and overall project viability. Each project requires the assignment of a Project Planner and a Project Manager. As the campus has designated PPDO as a full recharge unit, initial funding needs to be established in order for staff to work on the project.
Where possible, the Initial Project Funding phase may include development of a high-level initial project scope, conceptual cost projection, and a preliminary schedule. Funds may also be used to advance the proposed project through the campus administrative approval process. CPSM will support the project by facilitating funding requests which require leadership approval, providing input on project scope, budget projections, preliminary schedules, and providing capital planning and space management support and data to inform the project, as necessary. Project viability depends on a number of factors that must be considered and there is NO GUARANTEE that your project would be able to move forward without further efforts to better define scope, budget, and schedule. More funding may be needed depending on the complexity and requirements of the project.
If you are unsure where your project falls, use the "Start A Project Request Form" listed below.
Repair, maintenance, and replacement projects typically involve Physical Plant only and should be submitted to the Work Order Desk by calling 831-459-4444 or submit an online Work Order Request.